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日期:2024-03-14 13:55 點(diǎn)擊:

Chinese Dragon
Dragon totem worship in China has been aroundfor the last 8,000 year. The ancients in China considered the dragon (or long)a fetish that combines animals including the fish, snake, horse and ox withcloud, thunder, lightning and other natural celestial phenomena. The Chinesedragon was formed in accordance with the multicultural fusion process of theChinese nation. To the Chinese, the dragon signifies innovation and cohesion.

Dumplings are one of the Chinese people’s favorite traditional dishes. Accordingto an ancient Chinese legend, dumplings were first made by the medical saint-Zhang Zhong jing. There are three steps involved in making dumplings: 1) make dumplingwrappers out of dumpling flour; 2) prepare the dumpling stuffing; 3) makedumplings and boil them. With thin and elastic dough skin, fresh and tenderstuffing, delicious taste, and unique shapes, dumplings are worth eatinghundreds of times. There’san old saying that claims, “Nothing could be more delicious than dumplings.”During the Spring Festival and otherholidays, or when treating relatives and friends, Chinese people like to followthe auspicious custom of eating dumplings. To Chinese people who show highreverence for family love, having dumplings at the moment the old year isreplaced by the new is an essential part of bidding farewell to the old andushering in the new year.

針灸是中醫(yī)學(xué)的重要組成部分。按照中醫(yī)的經(jīng)絡(luò)理論,針灸療法主要是通過疏通經(jīng)絡(luò)、調(diào)和氣血,來達(dá)到陰陽歸于平衡,使臟腑趨于調(diào)和之目的。其特點(diǎn)是“內(nèi)病外治” 。主要療法是用針刺入病人身體的一定穴位, 或用艾火的溫?zé)岽碳撇∪说难ㄎ唬赃_(dá)到刺激經(jīng)絡(luò)。治療病痛的目的。針灸以其獨(dú)特的優(yōu)勢(shì),流傳至今并傳播到了世界,與中餐、功夫、中藥一起被海外譽(yù)為中國(guó)的“新四大國(guó)粹” 。
Acupuncture is an important part of traditionalChinese medicine (TCM). In accordance with the “main and collateral channels” theory in TCM, the purpose of acupuncture is to dredge the channel andregulate qi and blood, so as to keep the body’s yin and yang balanced and achieve reconciliation between theinternal organs. It features in traditional Chinese medicine that “internal diseases are to be treated withexternal therapy”. The main therapy of acupuncture involves using needles to pierce certainacupoints of the patient’s body, or adopting moxibustion to stimulate the patient’s acupoints so as to stimulate thechannels and relieve pain. With its unique advantages, acupuncture has beenhanded down generation after generation and has now spread all over the world.Nowadays, acupuncture, along with Chinese food, kung fu (otherwise known asChinese martial arts), and traditional Chinese medicine, has beeninternationally hailed as one of the“four new national treasures.”

Chinese Kung Fu
Chinese kung fu, or Chinese martial arts,carries traditional Chinese culture in abundance. It is a traditional Chinesesport which applies the art of attack and defence in combat and the motionsengaged with a series of skills and tricks. The core idea of Chinese king fu isderived from the Confucian theory of both “the mean and harmony” and“cultivating qi” (otherwise known as nourishing one’s spirit). Meanwhile, italso includes thoughts of Taoism and Buddhism. Chinese kung fu has a longhistory, with multi-various sects and many different boxing styles, andemphasizes coupling hardness with softness and internal and external training.It contains ancient great thinkers’ pondering of life and the universe. Theskills in wielding the 18 kinds of weapons named by the later generationsmainly involve the skills of bare-handed boxing, such as shadow boxing(Taijiquan), form and boxing (Xingyiquan), eight trigram palm (Baguazhang), andthe skills of kung fu weaponry, such as the skill of using swords, spears,two-edged swords and halberds, axes, tomahawks, kooks, prongs and so on.
漢字是從原始人用以記事的簡(jiǎn)單圖畫,經(jīng)過不斷演變發(fā)展最終成為一種兼具音、形、 意、 韻的獨(dú)特文字?,F(xiàn)存中國(guó)古代最早成熟的文字是甲骨文,被認(rèn)為是現(xiàn)代漢字的初形。此后,漢字又經(jīng)歷了金文、隸書、楷書、草書、行書等不同的階段。漢字結(jié)構(gòu)“外圓內(nèi)方”,源于 古人“天圓地方”的觀念。漢字有五種基本筆畫,即:橫、豎、撇、捺、折。
Chinese Characters
Chinese characters were initially meant to besimple pictures used to help people remember things. After a long period of development,it finally became a unique system that embodies phonetic sound, image, idea,and rhyme at the same time. The writing system, which was extremely advanced inancient times, began with inscriptions on tortoiseshells, and these areregarded as the original forms of Chinese characters. Afterwards, Chinesecharacters went through numerous calligraphic styles: bronze inscriptions,official script, regular script, cursive script, running script, etc. Chinesecharacters are usually round outside and square inside, which is rooted inancient Chinese beliefs of an orbicular sky and a rectangular Earth. The fivebasic strokes of Chinese characters are “—” (the horizontal stroke), “︱”(the vertical stroke), “丿”(the left-falling stroke), “丶”(the right-falling stroke), and “乙”(the turning stroke).

中國(guó)人使用筷子就餐的方式在世界上獨(dú)樹一幟。有史記載用筷的歷史已有三千多年??曜庸艜r(shí)稱為箸,它看似簡(jiǎn)單,但卻同時(shí)具有夾、撥、挑、扒、拌、撮、戳、撕等多種功能。中國(guó)民間視筷子為吉祥之物,如婚俗中將筷子隱喻為快生貴子的祝福等。與使用刀叉以及手抓的方式不同,成雙結(jié)對(duì)的筷子含有“和為貴”的意蘊(yùn)。西方人贊譽(yù)筷子是古老的東方文明。Chinese Chopsticks
The Chinese way of eating with chopsticks isunique in the world. The recorded history of chopsticks started more than threethousand years ago. Chopsticks were named zhu in ancient Chinese. They lookdeceptively simple to use, but possess multi-various functions, such as clamping,turning over, lifting up, raking, stiring, scooping, poking, tearing, and soon. Chopsticks were taken as an auspicious mascot by ordinary people in ancientChina. For example, the partial tone of chopsticks is often used by people as ametaphor as weddings to indicate a blessing or benediction for the couple tohave a baby soon. Unlike using a knife and fork or one’s own hands, a pair of chopsticks alsoimplies the meaning of “Harmony is what matters.” Chopsticks are highly praised by Westerners as a hallmark ofancient oriental civilization.

Chinese Seal
A seal can also be defined as a stamp. Boththe Chinese official and private seal of various dynasties have different titles,such as stamp, zhu note, contract, fu, lease and others. The seals used by theemperors of ancient China were called xi, yin, bao, etc. According to historicalrecords, seals were widely used during the Warring States Period(475BC-221BC).The making of a seal is to engrave fonts, such as seal characters and officialscript and so on; or images in the form of intaglio and embossment into theseal, basically shaped as round or square. Covered with a vermilion overlay, theChinese seal is not only used in daily life, but it is also used to representsignatures on paintings and calligraphies. It is gradually becoming one ofChina’s unique artworks.

天干地支是中國(guó)歷法中用以記錄和命名年歲的方法。十天干為:甲、乙、丙、丁、戊、已、庚、辛、壬、癸;十二地支為:子、丑、寅、卯、辰、巳、午、未、申、酉、戊、亥。古人觀測(cè)朔望月,發(fā)現(xiàn)月亮圓缺12 次大體上是一年的天數(shù),而兩個(gè)朔望月約是 60 天。古人 以十天干與十二地支的順序依次相配,記錄不同年份,60 年為一個(gè)輪回。干支紀(jì)年法從古 沿用至今。按干支紀(jì)年法,2011 年便是辛卯年。
Chinese Era
The Chinese era is the symbol that the Chinesecalendar uses for recording and naming years. The ten Heavenly Stems are: jia,yi, bing, ding, wu, ji, geng, xin, ren, gui. The twelve Earthly Branches are:zi.chou, yin, mou, chen, si, wu, wei, shen, you, xu, hai. After observing thelunar month, the ancients found that the moon always wazes and wanes roughly 12times a year, and two lunar months account for about 60 days, so the order ofthe ten Heavenly Stems and the order of the twelve Earthly Branches areproperly matched in turn. In terms of recording date, 60 years is considered tobe a full time cycle. The Chinese era chronology was first invented in ancienttimes and is still in use now. according to the chronology of the “ten Heavenly Stems,” 2011 is the year of “the seventh of the ten Heavenly Stems” and “ the fifth of the twelve Earthly Branches”.
中國(guó)是絲綢的故鄉(xiāng)。栽桑、養(yǎng)蠶、繅絲、 織綢是中國(guó)古代人民的偉大發(fā)明。商周時(shí)期(前 1600—前 256)絲綢的生產(chǎn)技術(shù)就已經(jīng)發(fā)展到相當(dāng)高的水平。西漢(前 206—公元 25)時(shí)張騫通西域,把中原與波斯灣、地中海緊密聯(lián)系起來,開辟了中外交流貿(mào)易的新紀(jì)元。從此中國(guó)的絲綢以其卓越的品質(zhì)、精美的花色和豐富的文化內(nèi)涵聞名于世,成為中國(guó)文化的象征、東方文明的使者。
Chinese silk 
China is the home of silk. Mulberryplanting, sericulture, silk reeling and thickening are all great inventions ofthe ancient Chinese. As early as the Shang and Zhou Dynasties(1600BC—256BC), the Chinese people’s silk-weaving techniques had reached an extremelyhigh level. During the Western Han Dynasty(206BC—25BC), Zhang Qian, an outstanding diplomat, traveled around centralAsia and connected China with the Persian Gulf and the Mediterranean, openingup a new era of Sino-foreign trade, exchange and communication. From then on,China’s silk became well known for its extraordinary quality, exquisitedesign and color, and abundant cultural connotations. Hitherto, Chinese silkhas been accepted as a symbol of Chinese culture and the emissary of orientalcivilization.

中國(guó)園林是把人造的山水、植物、建筑等與自然地貌有機(jī)結(jié)合的環(huán)境藝術(shù),是我國(guó)古代建筑藝術(shù)的珍寶。其建造原則是“妙極自然,宛自天開” 。游賞中國(guó)古典園林,能充分領(lǐng)略 “假自然之景,創(chuàng)山水真趣”的園林意境。在世界三大園林體系中,中國(guó)園林歷史悠久、內(nèi)涵豐富,被譽(yù)為世界造園史上的淵源之一。
The Chinese Classical garden 
The Chinese Classical garden is a precioustreasure of our ancient Chinese architecture. Itis a kind of environmental art,which systematically combines artificial mountains and rivers, plants andbuildings with the natural landscape. The construction standard of a Chineseclassical garden is “artificial as it is, the garden must look ingenious and natural.” When you go sightseeing in a Chineseclassical garden, you should be able to appreciate its artistic concept which “makes use of the natural landscape tocreate the real fun of mountains and rivers for
viewers.” Of the world’s three major garden systems, the Chinese classical garden is hailedas one of the origins of the world’s garden due to its long history and abundant connotations.

筆墨紙硯是中國(guó)古代文人書房中必備的寶貝,被稱為“文房四寶”。用筆墨書寫繪畫在 中國(guó)可追溯到五千年前。秦(前 221---前 206)時(shí)已用不同硬度的毛和竹管制筆;漢代(前 206—公元 220)以人工制墨替代了天然墨;有了紙張之后,簡(jiǎn)牘錦帛逐失其用;硯臺(tái)則隨筆墨的使用而發(fā)展。“文房四寶”到宋朝(960--1279)以后特指湖筆(浙江湖州)、徽墨(安徽徽州)、宣紙(安徽宣州) 、端硯(廣東肇慶,古稱端州)可以說文房四寶書寫了整個(gè)中華文明。
Four Treasures of the Study The writing brush,inkstick, inkstone, and paper were requisite treasures in the study of thescholars of ancient China, and they are often referred to as the “Four Treasures of the Study.” The writing brush and inkstick have beenused by the Chinese to write and paint since 5,000 years ago. In the Qin Dynasty(221BC—206BC), people already used feathers ofdifferent hardness and bamboo trunks to make brushes. During the HanDynasty(206BC—220AD), man-made ink was used instead of natural ink. After paperwas invented by the Chinese, bamboo slips, wooden tablets, brocade and silk,which originally functioned as writing surfaces, gradually faded out. Theinkstone was first developed with the use of writing brushes and ink. After theSong Dynasty(960AD—1279AD), the“Four Treasures of the Study” particularly referred to hubi, the writing brush produced inHuzhou, Zhangjiang province; huimo, the inkstick produced in Huizhou, Anhuiprovince; xuan paper, a kind of paper produced in Xuanzhou, Anhui province; andduanyan, the inkstone made in Zhapqing, Guang dong province(Zhaoqing wasearlier called Duanzhou). Indeed, the “Four Treasures of the Study” have written the whole Chinese civilization, as it is.

對(duì)聯(lián)又稱楹聯(lián)或?qū)ψ樱且灾形恼Z言一字一音的特征撰寫的一種民族文體。中國(guó)對(duì)聯(lián)的 哲學(xué)淵源及深層民族文化心理, 乃是古代中國(guó)人把握和認(rèn)識(shí)事物的陰陽二元觀念。對(duì)聯(lián)的特征是“對(duì)仗”:字?jǐn)?shù)相等,詞性相當(dāng),平仄相合,內(nèi)容相關(guān),節(jié)奏相應(yīng)。對(duì)聯(lián)習(xí)俗多樣,有 春聯(lián)、婚聯(lián)、壽聯(lián)、挽聯(lián)、茶聯(lián)等。
The antithetical couplet  Theantithetical couplet(also called duilian)is also known as yinglian or duizi. Anantithetical couplet is a kind of national writing style, which is composed bythe skillful manipulation of the characteristic of the Chinese language thatone character corresponds with one syllable . The philosophical origin andnational cultural psychology of the antithetical couplet are the notion ofyin-yang duality, according to which the Chinese recognize and master things.The feature of the antithetical couplet is an “antithesis”: equal characters, the same part of speech, the level and obliquefitting with each other, the content being related, and the rhythms corresponding.There are many types of antithetical couple ts, such as Spring Festivalcouplets, marriage couplets, birthday couplets, elegiac couplets, and antitheticalcouplets about tea, etc.

Chinese Weiqi.
The four art forms in ancient China are guqin,chess, penmanship, and painting. And chess particularly refers to ChineseWeiqi. Weiqi could be called the national chess of China. In ancient times,Weiqi was called yi, with the alternative names
Zuoyin and Shoutan. The regulations of Weiqiare both simple and complex at the same
time. A full weiqi set has 361 playing piecesand is played on a board with a 19 by 19 grid. The circumference of the boardis less than 2/3 meter. Playing Weiqi may look like an arrangement of two sides’ black and white pieces. However, it isactually a competition between two players and it tests their wisdom, courage,and patience. Weiqi symbolizes Heaven and Earth. It contains philosophicaltheories,
such as the theories embodied in the image-numerologyin The Book of Changes, the art of war, and theories on state administrationand national security, which embodies the wisdom and the spirit of Chineseculture.
京劇被譽(yù)為"東方歌劇", 是地道的中國(guó)國(guó)粹。它起源于中國(guó)多種古老的地方戲劇,特別是南方的"徽班"。到了19世紀(jì)末,京劇形成并成為中國(guó)最大的戲曲劇種。京劇是綜合性表演藝術(shù),集唱(歌唱)、念(念白)、做(表演)、打(武)、舞(舞蹈)為一體,通過程式化的表演手段,敘述故事,刻畫人物。角色主要分生(男性)、旦(女性)、凈(男性)、丑(男性女性皆有)四大行當(dāng)。
Beijing Opera
Praised as "Oriental Opera", BeijingOpera is a genuine national quintessence of China. It originated from manykinds of ancient local operas, especially huiban in southern China. At the endof the 19th Century, Beijing Opera evolved and took shape, becoming the greatestkind of opera in China. Beijing Opera is a blend of performing arts——song, speech, performance, acrobaticfighting and dance. Beijing Opera portrays and narrates the plot and charactersthrough stylized acting. The main types of roles in Beijing Opera aresheng(male), dan (young female), jing(painted face, male), and chou( clown,male or female).
Chinese Taoism
Taoism first originated in China. The founderof Taoism is Laozi, a philosopher and thinker who lived in the late Spring andAutumn Period (770BC-476BC). Tao Te Ching whose authorship has been attributedto Laozi, is considered to be the main Taoist classic. Tao is m advocates thevalue of a human being’s life, recommends the discarding of all desires and worries fromone’s mind, andencourages the cultivation of moral character and the nourishment of humannature. The following is an example of Laozi’s golden saying: The way that can be told of is not an unvaryingway; The names that can be named are not unvarying names. It was from thenameless that Heaven and Earth sprang; The named is but the mother that rearsthe ten thousand creatures, each after its kind. Truly, only he that ridshimself forever of desire can see the secret essences; He that has never ridhimself of desire can see only the outcomes.
Chinese Idioms
Chinese idioms refer to comprehensive and integratedfixed phrases and expressions. Idioms are established and accepted by constantusage and common practice. An idiom is a language unit that is larger than aword, but has the same grammatical function as a word. Most Chinese idiomsconsist of four characters. For example, ziqiangbuxi ( make unremitting effortsto improve oneself), qingchuyulan(bluer than indigo), and houjibofa (successcomes with time and effort). Idioms are extracted from folk proverbs, ancientworks of literature, poems, fables, allusions, and well-known  sayings. Idioms are a part of the Chineselanguage that are concise and havegreat vitality.
傳統(tǒng)節(jié)日以中國(guó)的農(nóng)歷為依據(jù)。農(nóng)歷年的歲首為春節(jié),俗稱“過年”,有祈年等多種習(xí)俗, 是中國(guó)人民最隆重的傳統(tǒng)節(jié)日,象征團(tuán)結(jié)興旺。其他主要的節(jié)日有元宵節(jié)、清明節(jié)、 端午節(jié)、七夕節(jié)、中秋節(jié)、重陽節(jié)、冬至節(jié)、臘八節(jié)等等。每個(gè)節(jié)日都有其來源講究和風(fēng)俗 習(xí)慣。農(nóng)歷節(jié)日和農(nóng)歷中的二十四節(jié)氣不同。農(nóng)歷節(jié)日是中華民族凝聚力和生命力的體現(xiàn)。
Traditional Chinese Festivals
Traditional Chinese festivals are usually fixedaccording to the Lunar calendar. January 1 on the lunar calendar has been designedas the Spring Festival (generally referred to as guonian). There are severalcustoms during the Spring Festival, such as praying for a good harvest, etc.The Spring Festival is the most ceremonious traditional festival in China andsymbolizes unity and prosperity. Some other Chinese festivals include the LanternFestival, the Pure Bright Festival, the Dragon Boat Festival, the Double-SeventhFestival, the Mid-Autumn Festival, the Double-Ninth Festival, the WinterSolstice, and the Eighth Day of the Twelfth Lunar Month, etc. Each festival hasits own unique origin and custom. These Chinese festivals that follow the Lunarcalendar are different from the 24 Solar Terms in the Lunar calendar. They embodyChina’s cohesion and vitality.
茶是中華民族的舉國(guó)之飲,發(fā)端于神農(nóng),興盛于唐宋(618-1279)。開門七件事,柴米油鹽醬醋茶,是中國(guó)人日常生活的寫照。茶文化是茶的自然和人文雙重屬性的引申與概括。中國(guó)的茶道精神將儒釋道三教融入其中,其主要目的是借助飲茶藝術(shù)來修煉身心, 體悟大道,提升人生境界。
Chinese tea
As a traditional drink for Chinese people, Chinesetea is believed to have first started with Chinese Emperor Shen Nong, andflourished in the Tang and Song Dynasties (618AD-1279AD). Making tea was consideredone of the seven basic daily necessities along with fuel, rice, oil, salt, soysauce, and vinegar, while drinking tea is an apt portrayal of daily life inChina. Tea culture is the extension and generalization of the science andhumanities character of tea. In China, the tea spirit blends the thoughts of Confucianism,Buddhism, and Taoism, and it aims to help people cultivate both mind and body,comprehend the truth, and elevate the realm of life through the art of drinkingtea.
中國(guó)古代四大藝術(shù)“琴棋書畫”的“畫”特指國(guó)畫。其繪畫形式是用毛筆蘸水、墨、顏料作畫于絹、帛、 宣紙之上,古代稱之為水墨丹青。為區(qū)別于西方的油畫而稱之為 “中國(guó)畫” ,簡(jiǎn)稱“國(guó)畫” 。其題材有人物、山水、花鳥等。技法可分為工筆和寫意。國(guó)畫的藝術(shù)特質(zhì)在 于“筆墨”,強(qiáng)調(diào)以形寫神,畫盡意在。國(guó)畫在藝術(shù)創(chuàng)作上反映了中華民族的審美意識(shí)和情趣。 
Traditional Chinese Painting
The four art forms in ancient China areguqin, chess, penmanship, and painting. And painting particularly refers totraditional Chinese painting. Traditional Chinese painting is done with a brushdipped into black or colored ink and is painted on silk or xuan paper. Inancient China, it was called “ink-painting”. In order to distinguish it fromWestern oil-paintings, the Chinese people term their works “traditional Chinesepainting” (abbreviated to “Chinese painting”). The subject matters of Chinesepaintings are typically figures, landscapes, birds and flowers. The drawingskills and techniques employed by Chinese painters can be divided into two forms:fine brushwork and free-hand brushwork. The artistic characteristics lie in“the writing brush and ink”. Chinese painting emphasizes using the shape toconvey the feelings of the painter. Even though a painting is a finishedproduct, it endlessly conveys a meaning. In terms of artistic creation,traditional Chinese painting is a reflection of the aesthetic consciousness andartistic sentiment of the Chinese people.
Chinese Wine and Spirits Culture
China is the home of wine and spirits. The functionsof wine and spirits were classified by the ancients into three kinds: treatingpatients, keeping in good health, and showing politeness and respect to others.China’s wine and spirits culture is an important part of Chinese foodculture, and it embodies its values in many respects, such as in social andpolitical life, literature and art, life philosophies, aesthetics, and soon.There is an old saying which goes, “It is not a banquet without wine.”Under the custom of having dinner together in China, drinking gameswere therefore introduced. There are many kinds of banquet betting and drinkinggames, like the morra (a finger-guessing game), wine/spirits words, wine/spiritschips (a drinking game), all with rich cultural connotations. In reality, it isdifficult to win unless you have a card up your sleeve. 
Chinese Grottoes
Chinese grottoes mainly reflect the art of Buddhistculture. In China, there are four major art landscapes of grottoes: the MogaoGrottoes at Dunhuang, the Yungang Grottoes at Datong, the Longmen Grottoes atLuoyang, and the Maijishan Grottoes at Tianshui. Carved and painted onmountains, the Buddhist grottoes mingle both sublimity and secular feelings together,presenting us a vivid and natural appearance. They embody thesy stematiccombination of both the exceptional artistry of great nature and the extremelyfine craftsmanship of mankind. The Chinese Buddhist grottoes are regarded as aprofound and stunning general art gallery, which are composed of architecture,painting, sculptures, etc. The artistic achievements of Chinese grottoes haveattracted the attention of the world, and have become important internationalcultural heritage.
中國(guó)古典文學(xué)包括詩歌、散文、小說以及詞、賦、曲等多種文體,藝術(shù)表現(xiàn)手法豐富各異。而小說中的《三國(guó)演義》、 《水滸傳》、 《西游記》、《紅樓夢(mèng)》則被稱為中國(guó)四大古典文學(xué) 名著,至今在國(guó)內(nèi)外都有著廣泛而深遠(yuǎn)的影響。研讀四大名著能夠了解中國(guó)傳統(tǒng)人文社會(huì)、民俗之心理,是汲取古代文明精粹、處事為人策略與智慧的重要途徑。
Chinese Classical Literature
Chinese classical literature includes poetry,prose, fiction, and ci (new lyrics written to pre-existing tunes), fu(“descriptive poems” of prose-poetry), qu (freer formbased on the new popular songs and dramatic arias), and many other styles.Its artistic expressions are various in technique. Four classics of Chineseliterature are Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Water Margin, Journey to theWest, and Dream of Red Mansions, which have extensive and far-reachingsignificance both on a national and international level. Through reading “the four famous novels” carefully, you can experiencetraditional Chinese society and human culture, and folklore customs. And it isan important way to absorb the quintessence of traditional Chinese culture aswell as to pick up strategies and wisdom on how to get along with others.
中藥主要由植物藥(根、莖、葉、果)、動(dòng)物藥(內(nèi)臟、皮、骨、器官)和礦物藥組成。因以植物藥為主,故也稱中草藥。中藥的應(yīng)用理論獨(dú)特,認(rèn)為中藥有四氣五味。“四氣”指藥性的“寒熱溫涼” ,“五味”指藥物的“辛酸甘苦咸” 。中國(guó)人探索中草藥已有幾千年的歷 史,如今中醫(yī)藥及其診療方法已傳播到世界各地。
Chinese Herbal Medicine
Traditional Chinese medicine mainlyconsists of plant medicine (roots, stems, leaves, fruits), animalmedicine(viscera, skins, bones, organs), and mineral medicine. Chinese herbalmedicine is based on plant medicine. According to the unique application theoryof traditional Chinese medicine, it is believed that it contains “four natures and five flavors.” “Four Natures” refers to the properties of “coldness, heat, mildness, and coolness,” while “five flavors” refers to the properties of being“pungent, sour, sweet, bitter, and salty.” It is said that Chinese people have beenconducting research into herbal medicine for thousands of years. Nowadays,traditional Chinese medicine and its therapeutic methods have extensively beenspread to the far corners of the globe.
瓷器是中華民族對(duì)世界文明的偉大貢獻(xiàn)。早在八千年前的新石器時(shí)代,中國(guó)的先民就發(fā)明使用了陶器。商代(前 1600-前 1046)中期創(chuàng)造出了原始瓷器。漢代(前 206-公元 220) 末期燒制出成熟的青瓷。以后瓷器由中國(guó)傳播到世界各地,中國(guó)也博得了 “瓷之國(guó)”的稱號(hào)。英文中“瓷器(china)”一詞已成為“中國(guó)”的代名詞。
Chinese Porcelain
Porcelain is regarded as one of China’s outstanding contributions to the world’s civilization. As early as the NeolithicAge about 8,000 years ago, the Chinese ancestors invented and began to usepottery. Proto-porcelain was invented in the mid-Shang Dynasty(1600BC-1046BC).Celadon was molded in the late Han Dynasty (206BC-220AD). From then on,porcelain was introduced by China to the rest of the world. China was thereforedubbed the “porcelain country.” In English, the word “china” has become a word that represents “China.”
剪紙又叫刻紙、窗花或剪畫。剪紙?jiān)诩埖陌l(fā)明之前就已經(jīng)流行,當(dāng)時(shí)人們運(yùn)用金箔、絹帛、皮革等片狀材料,通過鏤空雕刻的技法制成工藝品。漢代(前 206-公元 220),紙張的 發(fā)明促使了剪紙的發(fā)展與普及。民間剪紙的題材多來源于現(xiàn)實(shí)生活,充滿納福迎祥的主題, 表達(dá)對(duì)美好生活的向往。
Paper-cutting (otherwise known asjianzhi)is also called kezhi, chuanghua or jianhua. Paper –cutting was popular even before paper wasinvented. When there was no paper, people carved on gold leaf, silk, feathers,and so on, with a carving technique known as hollow-cutting to makehandicrafts.In the Han Dynasty (206 BC-220AD), the invention if paper promoted thedevelopment and popularity of paper-cutting. The folk themes of thepaper-cutting are rooted in real life, filled with the themes of enjoying alifeof ease and comfort, and expressing the desire for a happy life.
儒家思想也稱為儒學(xué),有春秋(前 770 年-前 476 年)末期偉大的思想家、教育家孔子所創(chuàng)立。歷代代表人物有孟子、董仲舒、朱熹、王陽明等。主要經(jīng)典有:四書(《大學(xué)》 、《中庸》、 《論語》、 《孟子》),五經(jīng)( 《周易》、《尚書》 、《詩經(jīng)》 、《禮記》、 《春秋》) 等。儒家學(xué)派以“仁、義、禮、智、信”為核心內(nèi)容,構(gòu)成了其倫理思想體系,是中國(guó)古代長(zhǎng)達(dá)兩千余年封建社會(huì)的主流意識(shí)。
Confucian thought, also called Confucianism,was established by Confucius, a great thinker and educator who lived in thelate Spring and Autumn Period (770BC-476BC). Some representatives ofConfucianism throughout Chinese history include Mencius, Dong Zhongshu, ZhuXi,and Wang Yangming. The main classics of Confucianism are the Four Books (TheGreat Learning, The Doctrine of the Mean, The Analects of Confucius, andMencius) and the Five Classics (Zhouyi, Shangshu (Collection of Ancient Texts),The Book of Songs, The Rites, and The Spring and Autumn Annals). The Confucianschool regards“benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom and fidelity” as being at the core of its ethicalsystem. Confucianism was the main ideology of feudal society for more than2,000 years in China.
3 中國(guó)象棋
中國(guó)象棋早在戰(zhàn)國(guó)時(shí)期(前 475—前 221)就有記載,最初稱為六博,用象牙做成,到了北宋(960—1127)末期定型為近代模式。棋盤為九豎十橫線畫成的長(zhǎng)方形平面,是中國(guó)封建社會(huì)制度和文化的縮影 —有中軍帳(九宮) 、士位(士、仕)、文官(象、相)、武將 (車、馬、炮)、士兵(兵、卒) 。是世界四大棋類(中國(guó)圍棋、中國(guó)象棋、國(guó)際象棋、日本將棋)之一。
Chinese Chess
The earliest records of Chinese chess can betraced back to the Warring States Period (475BC—221BC). The early-stage Chinese chess was composed of six piecescarved out of ivory, and was therefore called “Six Boxing.” Its final form of play was fixed at the end of the Northern SongDynasty (960AD—1127AD) after a long period of development. The chessboard is arectangular board that is 9 lines wide by 10 lines long. Composed of marshal orgeneral, advisors (scholar or official), civil officials(elephant or minister),military officers (chariots, horses and cannons), and soldiers (soldiers orpawns), Chinese chess is Chinese social institution and culture in miniature.It is also one of the four most popular chess games in the world, the otherthree being Chinese Weiqi, the games of chess, and shogi(or general’s chess).
The 24 Solar Terms The ancient Chinese divideda year into 24 equal segments according to the positions of the sun on theecliptic. Names were given with special connotations for these segments; such asvernal equinox (occurs on March 20 or 21) and pure brightness (occurs on April4, 5, or 6); and hence they are called the 24 Solar Terms. Originating from theReaches of the Yellow River, the 24 Solar Terms are basically
a calendar to govern agricultural arrangementswhich takes into account the changes in climate and practical agriculturalneeds. The 24 Solar Terms are considered a great and unique creation of theancient Chinese.
Chinese Calligraphy
The four ancient Chinese artistic forms arecalled guqin, chess, penmanship, and painting; and penmanship particularlyrefers to Chinese calligraphy. Chinese calligraphy id a kind of art using abrush to write seal script, official scrip, regular script, cursive script,grass script, and other various writing styles of Chinese characters. Thewriting techniques of Chinese calligraphy are highlighted by the manner ofusing a brush, the way ink is used, the art of composition, and so on. Itsharmonious beauty of art is reflected in between the lines. Chinese calligraphyexhibits its beauty in different poses, such as the uniqueness of the officialscript’s“silkworm head and swallow tail,” the regular script’s requirement to “stick to the norm and rules,” the characteristic of grass script’s “flying dragons and dancing phoenixes,” and the distinctive “natural grace” of the cursive script. Chinese calligraphy reflects the personalityof Chinese people’s straightforwardness, dignity, and reticence.
Chinese Guqin
As one of the four art forms (namely guqin,chess, penmanship, and painting) in ancient china, guqin is a kind of plucked stringinstrument which is also known as yaoqin, yuqin and qixian qin. Accordingto Chinese history book Shih Chi, qin
appeared no later than the Yao and Shuner as.In order to distinguish it from similar musical instruments of the West, it wascalled guqin. The guqin’s design imitates the shape of a phoenix. People also nameddifferent parts of the guqin after the names various body parts of the phoenix.This naming method reflects Confucius’ thoughts on music and the ideology of harmony that Chinese peoplevalue.
The Chinese Zodiac
The Chinese Zodiac is the Chinese way of numberingthe years. It attributes an animal to each year, according to a12-year cycle.Since ancient times, the Chinese people began to use the Heavenly Stems andEarthly Branches to record the passing of years. At the same time, Chinesenomadic people who lived in northwest China instead used animals to number theyears. The two ways of numbering the years were smoothly integrated, and theChinese Zodiac took shape. The 12 animals in the Chinese Zodiac are: rat, ox,tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, ram, monkey, rooster, dog, and pig. Themeaning of the symbolic animal of the birth year is that it can make peoplemagnanimous and be of one mind in times of difficulty.
Tang Poetry and Song Ci
Tang Poetry represents the highest achievementof Chinese poetry. There were many distinguished poets in the Tang Dynasty,including Li Bai, Du Fu, and Bai Juyi, who are world-famous. There arevariousforms of Tang Poetry, such as pre-Tang poetry, regular poems, short poems.Regular poems and short poems can also be divided into pent asyllabic and heptasyllabicaccording to the characters contained in each line. There is an enormouscollection of Tang Poetry, with a wide range of subjects, styles, and schools.Its artistic charm touches everyone deeply. Song Ci is another summit in thehistory of classical Chinese literature. Tang Poetry and Song Ci have consistentlybeen called the two literary giants. The main form of Song Ci is a kind ofpoetry that chie fly consists of seven-character lines interspersed with shorterand longer ones. The writers poetize according to particular tunes. There aretwo major styles of Song Ci, called the Powerful and Free School, and the Softand Tuneful School.
秧歌舞是中國(guó)漢族的一種民間傳統(tǒng)舞蹈,通常在北方省份表演。秧歌舞者通常穿上明亮 多彩的表演服裝,他們的表演動(dòng)作有力迅速。在農(nóng)歷春節(jié)、元宵節(jié)等節(jié)日期間,人們一旦聽到鑼鼓聲,不管外面天氣有多冷,他們都會(huì)蜂擁到街上看秧歌舞表演。近年來,中國(guó)東北某些城市的老年人自發(fā)組織了了秧歌隊(duì),隊(duì)員常年通過跳秧歌舞來保持健康, 同事他們也樂在 其中。
Yangko is one of tradition folk dance of Hanin China. It is usually performed in northern provinces. The dancers usually wearcolorful and light costumes, and the performance is powerful and rapid. Duringsome festivals such as Spring Festival, Lantern Festival, if people hear thesound of drum and gong, no matter how cold the weather is , they will come tostreet and appreciate the Yangko. Recent years, the
old people in city of east-northern of Chinaorganized the team of Yangko by themselves, the teamers keep their health bydancing Yangko the whole year.
The Great Wall
The Great Wall is one of the wonders of theworld that created by human beings! If you come to China without climbing the GreatWall, it's just like going Paris without visiting the Eiffel Tower; or going toEgypt without visiting the Pyramids! Men often say, "He who does not reachthe Great Wall is not a true man."In fact, it began as independent wallsfor different states when it was first built, and did not become the"Great Wall" until the Qin Dynasty. However, the wall we see today,starting from Shan hai guan Pass in the east to Jiayuguan Pass in the west, wasmostly built during the Ming Dynasty.
The Terra-cotta Warriors 
Qin Shihuang 秦始皇, the first emperor of the feudal Chinese society, brought with him massivefunerary belongings when he die — a move to show off the authority and splendor he’d enjoyed during his lifetime (秦始皇是中國(guó)封建社會(huì)的第一個(gè)皇帝。他死后,為了顯示他生前的輝煌和權(quán)威,在他的墓中陪葬了許多東西 ). Among them were the three barracks of Terra-cotta Warriors (兵馬俑陣), which have been marveled at as the “World’s Eighth Miracle” 世界第八大奇跡. The Underground Army 地下軍陣 Yong is either a human or animalfigure made with clay. The QinShihuang’s Tomb 秦始皇陵 and its great army of Terra-Cotta Warriors — 7000 soldiers, 100 horses and 100chariots in all, give us a picture of the kind of grand scale of the army andthe comple
teness of the army’s military services more that 2000 yearsago (再現(xiàn)了 2000 多年前氣勢(shì)宏偉,兵種齊全的軍陣隊(duì)形).
New Year’s Painting 
New Year’s painting is a kind of traditional Chinese paintings produced bymeans of woodcut process printing. Asan old form of folk art in China, thiskind of paintings all has festival themes and a sharp contrast in colors (年畫是中國(guó)畫的一種, 它采用木刻套印的方法作畫,內(nèi)容喜慶、色彩對(duì)比強(qiáng)烈,是中國(guó)古老的民間美術(shù)形式).Theyare specially created for decoration of homes, warding off evil spirits andominous occurrences in the celebration of the Chinese New Year (它是專門為過農(nóng)歷新年時(shí)裝飾環(huán)境、除兇辟邪而創(chuàng)作的). That is whythey are called New Year’s paintings.
The Lantern Festival 
The 15th day of the first lunar month is theChinese Lantern Festival, which coincides with the first full-moon night oftheyear (這一天正好是新年的第一個(gè)月圓之夜). The major activities of the day include watching paintedlanterns, solving riddles, setting off fireworks, and eating yuanxiao 元宵(sweet dumplings) made of glutinous riceflour (糯米面,糯米粉).Eating Yuanxiao 吃元宵 Eating yuanxiao 元宵 on the day ofthe Lantern Festival symbolizes family reunion andhappiness. Yuanxiao are made with glutinous rice flour dough, stuffed with avariety of food such as red bean paste, sesame, mixed nutlets with sugar.Minced meat is another favored flavor (元宵用糯米粉包餡制成,餡兒有豆沙、芝麻、各類果仁加白糖,還有肉糜餡等). In southern China, people also eat tangyuan 湯圓(like yuanxiao 元宵). Watching Painted Lanterns 賞花燈 On the night of the Lantern Festival,lines of painted lanterns are hung around the courtyard and along both sides ofthe street. The colorful lights against the full moon create quite a visualfeast for people to enjoy (人們觀燈賞月,其樂融融). Solving Lantern Riddles 猜燈謎 Solving riddles written or printed on lanterns is another way of entertainingvisitors on the night. 



















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